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August 21, 2006


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my boy jayme at twicebornstore.com does GREAT work. He's done everything our church has ever had.

Check, Check, Check him out

Jason Taylor

I know a guy named Jon Jackson. His website is: desigu.com.


I got our shirts from uthstuph. They don't only do youth stuff, but whatever you need done. They do packages with logos, letterhead, icons and stuff on cd along with t-shirts. They didn't finalize anything until I approved it and my input was more important to them than anything. They tweaked the design until I was totally happy, then put them on high-quality t-shirts. Turn-around after approval was only a few days, too.

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    • My name is Michael Lukaszewski. I grew up in Jacksonville, Florida and went to school at Florida State University. I'm the lead pastor of Oak Leaf Church in Cartersville, Georgia. This is a blog of my personal thoughts and ideas, and does not necessarily reflect the official position of Oak Leaf Church or any other organization mentioned here.

      Church leaders and church planters, check out behindtheleaf.com. It's an inside look of the success, struggles, and ideas that come from starting a new church.