I've been blogging for a little under a year, and I follow about 60 different blogs through bloglines. In fact, this is my 501st post. I don't really know who reads this, but here's a few reasons why I blog.
- It lets me be personal. My hope is that people at Oak Leaf or anybody else for that matter will get a little glimpse into my life. This isn't a Bible study, just thoughts and ideas.
- It let's me think out loud. I process some thoguhts here. There's nothing like writing it down to help craft a point.
- My wife likes to know what i do all day. Seriously, my wife reads my blog, so that's a good enough reason to write.
- I like to pass along interesting things like stories, links and dumb YouTube videos.
- It gives me a venue for my sarcasm. Elijah was sarcastic. Jesus was sometimes sarcastic. So I'm going to keep on making fun of Wal Mart and PC's.
- Blogging is kind of like journaling, but without the journal. I do use a moleskine to write notes, but a blog is lind of like journaling without having to go to women's conferences and talk about journaling your feelings.
- I like to write. I wrote a book on youth ministry last year. John Evans and I are about to finish a devotional book called Everyday Jesus. And I'm slowly working on Ten Lies of Christianity and Uncomfortable.
I just wanted to chime in and tell you thanks for blogging. I found you through a blog search on google, and I check your blog almost every day. I'm a bi-vocational youth pastor, on the verge of starting a church, and I appreciate your thoughts and musings. Anyway, keep up the good work - and congratulations on the successful launch - my vision team and I have added Oak Leaf to our list of things to pray for.
Posted by: Travis | August 22, 2006 at 05:37 AM
Jesus was sarcastic? I beg to differ, if you are sarcastic it's not a trait you should be proud of, especially if your leading others, I don't accept sarcasm from my children do you?
Posted by: John | August 22, 2006 at 10:37 AM
yes jesus was sarcastic. get the plank out of your eye. so was elijah. "maybe your god is sleeping, or relieving himself...try harder").
i would only allow my children to be sarcastic if they were making fun of people like you. (there's more sarcasm for you)
Posted by: michael | August 22, 2006 at 10:52 AM
You must be speaking of another Jesus, I would sure find it hard worshiping a Savior that uses His words to cut, wound and ridicule. He used his words to impact our hearts with truth not to make us victims of some witty comments.
Posted by: John | August 22, 2006 at 05:42 PM
he called the pharisees hypocrites and blind guides, and as you read the gospels, you'll see that he was quite cutting towards certain people. he reserved some pretty harsh words for the people who thought they were perfect, and responded in love and grace to those who didn't have it all together.
Posted by: michael | August 23, 2006 at 02:48 AM
I am reading you
Posted by: chrismc | August 23, 2006 at 07:04 PM