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February 04, 2007


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Pastor Port

Prince is an 80's icon! I thought the music was great and I don't like concerts. The music brought back alot of memories. It was one of the better HT shows in years. It was definately better than that rock guy last year.

In His Grace


I used to love Prince in the 80's, but haven't really followed him since. I thought it to be pretty typical of his performances, though. I do, however, commend him for braving it in the pouring rain. No, it wasn't my favorite overall, but better than Janet Jackson's.

Will Goodwin

Prince can't play guitar?!?!?!? Are you off your rocker? And everyone can sing...some people just need more practice than others...or a pseudo-transvestite gimmick. Either way, I don't understand how an artist as big as Rpince would choose to cover songs for probably the biggest televised audience he has ever had.

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    • My name is Michael Lukaszewski. I grew up in Jacksonville, Florida and went to school at Florida State University. I'm the lead pastor of Oak Leaf Church in Cartersville, Georgia. This is a blog of my personal thoughts and ideas, and does not necessarily reflect the official position of Oak Leaf Church or any other organization mentioned here.

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