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August 01, 2007


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What's Up BRO? Does that count as brother? Just wondering, Great blog!

the weavenator

i really learned not to use those types of words this summer. It is hard and you have to make a conscious effort not to use them.


hey, whoever [email protected] is...

i'm not going to post comments because you are too whimpy, insecure, etc. to post a real e-mail address. you have commented here before, but you're done unless you are going to say who you really are. to quote perry noble, "It is VERY easy to lob accusations and point out problems when you are sitting in your underwear in your mothers basement behind a computer screen…"

so if you want to disagree, that's cool...but you have to identify yourself.


what about "ministries"? I still don't know what it really means......


What if I call you brother, is that acceptable, seeing as how you ARE my brother! :)


what about 'brutha'? is 'brutha' cool?

darrell bowman

What are those signs popping up around Cartersville? Is someone trying to boycott the church or is it a joke


Great post. Should we add unchurched to the list now? I heard an alter call made on Sunday and the person said "If your unchurched..." My first reaction was "WOW!" My second was, "Not only does the unchurched person not know what that means but 7/8 of the people in the building don't know what that means!"

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    • My name is Michael Lukaszewski. I grew up in Jacksonville, Florida and went to school at Florida State University. I'm the lead pastor of Oak Leaf Church in Cartersville, Georgia. This is a blog of my personal thoughts and ideas, and does not necessarily reflect the official position of Oak Leaf Church or any other organization mentioned here.

      Church leaders and church planters, check out behindtheleaf.com. It's an inside look of the success, struggles, and ideas that come from starting a new church.