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August 31, 2007


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I am not gonna win either, I have no clue what is going on with this thing. It just sounds fun and I can't wait till the I hear the sound of...... GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DAWGS, SIC EM !!! on Saturday afternoon while I am making some cds. Best of luck to Fla State, and may all the Gator's get ingrown toenails for the season.


Bret Favre is your backup? You do understand you don't get statistical points just because your players appear in television ads for Wrangler jeans? I do envy your Panther's D though.

I'm not entirely sure how it works either, but I am pretty happy with Peyton Manning as my QB and Reggie Brown at WR. To be honest, I'm not sure who my Defense is now. I better check on that.

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    • My name is Michael Lukaszewski. I grew up in Jacksonville, Florida and went to school at Florida State University. I'm the lead pastor of Oak Leaf Church in Cartersville, Georgia. This is a blog of my personal thoughts and ideas, and does not necessarily reflect the official position of Oak Leaf Church or any other organization mentioned here.

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