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August 13, 2007


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Count me in....Sounds like fun!


I'd be willing to dominate, I mean, join a league.


May I?


Let's roll. Count me in.

Brad Nash

I'm not sure how it works but I'd be willing to try.


I'm with Brad, fill us in on how it works and I am all for it...... I Can't Wait Till Football season begins.


I need more info.

chris g

i think i can hold the bottom again. count me in.

Sean Alsobrooks

I would love to play! Send me an invite!


I don't know how to play Fantasy Football.


I'm all about it too. Do Mike Vick's stats in the annual inmate-warden game count?


yo. I was at the lake this weekend and was wondering if you were gonna get the league together again this season. Three and Out is in.

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    • My name is Michael Lukaszewski. I grew up in Jacksonville, Florida and went to school at Florida State University. I'm the lead pastor of Oak Leaf Church in Cartersville, Georgia. This is a blog of my personal thoughts and ideas, and does not necessarily reflect the official position of Oak Leaf Church or any other organization mentioned here.

      Church leaders and church planters, check out behindtheleaf.com. It's an inside look of the success, struggles, and ideas that come from starting a new church.