Let me stir the pot a little bit today.
I just read an article about a movement in Baptist circles to put a renewed emphasis on starting private, Christian schools. Before I give my opinion, let me say that I attended a public and a private school growing up, and that I taught a year in public school and a year in a Christian school. I do not think any one form of schooling is the solution to the problems of our day.
Apparently, Southeastern Seminary, where I attended, is leading the charge. Here's a quote from the article. "In the public schools, you don't just have neutrality, you have hostility toward organized religion," said Daniel Akin, president of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest. "A lot of parents are fed up."
Here's the problem I have with this. Of course there is hostility towards organized religion. It's called the world. There's hostility towards God in countries all over the world, yet we send missionaries there. In fact, it's that where we SHOULD be sending missionaries. It seems like there was hostility towards Jesus and the disciples. Jesus told them to expect it and Paul said to consider it an honor. He didn't tell his disciples to remove themselves from an area that was hostile towards religion.
I know that Baptists aren't calling for a mass exodus from public schools (though that does seem like a silly resolution that they would try to pass at a convention), but this is a step in that direction. I don't have any problem with someone who homeschools their children (we have MANY of those parents at OLC) or parents who choose to send their children to Christian school (we did that with Lauren for 2 years). But I do have a problem with refusing to be in the world.
I think pulling children out of public school can be like pulling light out of the darkness. Remember, you're removing yourself from relationships with those parents too. If the salt doesn't encounter the world, it's not much good. Schools are where people that don't know Jesus congregate. If your faith is solid, and you're teaching your child about Jesus at home (where it's far more important for them to learn), can't they serve, invite, share, and be a missionary in the school system.
What if we launched a movement to send Christians INTO the schools, instead of pulling them out and creating our own bubble-like institutions? What if we really viewed public schools like the mission fields they are, instead of complaining that they are too worldly?
I just dropped my 5 year old at school this morning and took in snacks for the class. Her teacher took a moment to tell me how glad she had Lauren in her class, that she was sweet, and she had invited the whole class to Oak Leaf Church. When I drop her off in the morning, we pull over in a parking spot and say a prayer. She prays for her friends and teachers, and I pray that she would think of school as an opportunity to let people know about God.
I'm not saying that Christian school is bad, or that homeschooling is evil. There are valid reasons and circumstances where those things might be best. I'm just saying that we shouldn't be so quick to pull our kids (and ourselves) out of environments that are anti-God.