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November 19, 2007


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Thanks Michael,

now the rest of us who love Celion can come out and announce our passion for her music.


What a total waste of time!



are you referring to me making it, or you watching it? :)


Who cares what Sue is referring to. If she doesn't like it, then don't read it. It was a waste of time for her to post a comment.


This is really funny! The craziest thing is having met you last month and by your own "confession" that you don't like to talk to people--I am amazed at how when you are preaching or talking on this video, how much you open up and "let loose". It's great!! Keep it coming!

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    • My name is Michael Lukaszewski. I grew up in Jacksonville, Florida and went to school at Florida State University. I'm the lead pastor of Oak Leaf Church in Cartersville, Georgia. This is a blog of my personal thoughts and ideas, and does not necessarily reflect the official position of Oak Leaf Church or any other organization mentioned here.

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