Big surprise that some of the folks with the watchdog blogs didn't find my confession video that funny. (I saw a bunch of incoming clicks on my blog stats). Apparently, I wasn't acting like a pastor when I created that video. That could be true - because too many pastors don't have a sense of humor.
The Bible actually contains a good bit of humor. Psalm 2:4 says that God laughs (a laugh out of a kind of sarcastic anger). In Exodus 14:11, the Israelites ask Moses, "was there a lack of graves in Egypt so that you had to bring us out to the Wilderness to die?" That's kind of funny. In the book of Judges, God sarcastically asks His people if the pagan gods will help their plight.
Elijah's response to the prophets of Baal is filled with sarcasm. Yell louder, he tells them, maybe your god is sleeping, or traveling, or maybe he's going to the bathrroom. (there you go fellas...there's bathroom humor in the Bible, so my video is not without precedent.)
There's humor, sarcasm, wordplays, funny names, and crazy situations throughout the Word of God. The Bible is obviously not a joke book, but it's okay to be a Christian and still have a sense of humor. In fact, Proverbs 17:22 says that a joyful heart is good medicine. And if we can help people laugh in church, I think that's a good thing. We should talk hard about sin, but it's not a sin to have some fun with God's people in God's house.
Sometimes, we need to get serious. And sometimes, we just need to lighten up and laugh.