I've been blogging for about a year now, and I really enjoy it. I've written on everything...conference reviews, church planting, rants against Wal Mart, etc. I know a lot of bloggers come to the point where they have to narrow the focus of their blog, and that's been something that's been hard for me to do. I have opinions on just about everything, and they are all right. :)
However, I'm going to focus this blog on personal commentary, my thoughts on different stuff, and just my journey. I'll still write about Oak Leaf and church planting and all that stuff, but we've just launched a new blog specifically focused on the Oak Leaf journey.
Behindtheleaf.com will focus on the things we have learned and the mistakes we've made starting Oak Leaf Church. It's somewhat hilarious to think that an eleven week old church can add anything to the conversation, but even if it's a way to publically document our victories and challenges, then it's good. Hopefully, some other pastors and planters will find some useful information. We're no experts, but we do have some good ideas. I'll post on strategy, marketing, leadership, and other church related stuff, and the rest of our staff will contribute from time to time.
This blog will continue to be the place where I post my thoughts on whatever floats my boat. I'll keep this site helpful and useful, but you might want to add Behind the Leaf to your Bloglines account just to keep up.