I love what God is doing at Newspring. I am a big fan of Perry Noble, though I've never met him personally. I brought 10 other people to Unleash and will take more next year. And there was only one thing he said yesterday that was wrong. That's not too bad, I guess. :)
He tossed out a great quote that had to somehow be connected with TD Jakes: "If it's God's will, then it's God's bill." People everywhere started writing that down. He then talked about how he would punch church planters that send letters begging for money.
Listen. I completely understand that the people that own the vision need to pay for the vision. I completely agree that it's all God's money. But I don't think we can sit back and say, "If your vision is from God then He'll pay for it or you guys can figure it out without our help."
Perry closed the conference with an amazing story about a gentleman who gave half a million dollars and pledged another half a million. Somehow I doubt that Perry said "no thanks...God's going to pay the bill." I imagine they ran that check to the bank and thanked God all the way. I imagine that Newspring prayed hard, hard, and then some more for people to buy into the vision with their wallets. I imagine that they would credit God with the financial victory. But it was actual people who wrote checks and made sacrifices. The guy with the million dollar gift WAS the answer to prayer. How would Newspring supporting a church plant or some church planter when they asked for support be any different than this guy writing a big check? I mean...if it's all God's money...we're talking about the same thing. We're talking abotu people stepping up and giving. Is it not hypocritical to denounce church planters asking Newspring for money (which I'm sure there have been hundreds), and then talk about a capital campaign?
I'm a little frusturated when people immediately shrug off the idea of offering support because it's someone elses vision. I think that can lead to pride. Newspring may have gotten started without a bunch of sponsoring churches. But lots of other churches, in fact, I would say that most successful church plants have gotten some funding from somehwere. I am not saying that successful churches have to say yes to every fruitcake church planter asking for money.
I absolutely love what Newspring is doing. Perry is one of my favorite leaders. He says a lot of amazing things. Unleash was great. But provided I understood what he meant wtih that statement, I disagree with him on this one point.