Being only a few months old, we don't have any real missions partnerships. We've never done a typical missions trip. But we've been beginning to think about it. One of our guys and me took a trip up to New York to meet with some church plants up there. We've been e-mailing back and forth with various people looking for our fit.
I think over the last month or so, I've had a little redirect when it comes to missions. We started out looking for a city that would be a great intro trip for our people, a way to step into the water. We were looking at some big cities...some places that are easy to fly to and would have some stuff to see. But over the last few weeks or so, I'm beginning to think that a sexy city might not be the thing. Everybody and their brother wants to go to these cities. Maybe, instead, we should just be looking for a church plant somewhere that is actually doing something - growing and reaching people. Maybe a blog reader, who knows? Maybe it doesn't matter to me where this church is but if they are accomplishing their mission and has a strategy. So everything is back on the table, and we're praying where God would lead us. We're not looking for a place just to send a few people...we want to go buy into some place, and have that place buy into us.
Any other churches or church plants got any advice for me? Anybody got a suggestion as to where God might be moving?