Here's some notes from today's service.
Message: Part four of Issues, and we talked about porn. The message was actually via video produced by as a part of Porn Sunday. There's no service video to post, but we will post a lot of resources at Next week, we wrap up the Issues by talking about Divorce.
Attendance: 773. Down a little from recent weeks but still a 303% increase over the same Sunday last year. We were missing some of our key volunteers, so tear down was a pain today. I hope everyone is back next week.
Music: Let God Arise (Tomlin), One Way (Hillsong), Rescue and Amazing Love (old school) to end the service. Will and the guys did a great job on Dirty Little Secret by The All American Rejects to lead into the message. Last week, it was country. Today, a nice little punk rock vibe. Will even hit the high notes.
Notes: We actually worked Miss Teen South Carolina into the video, since our new home beginning on October 7 will host Georgia's version of that event. Finally, it might only be pastors and other church leaders that understand this. While I can't point to anything specific, today just didn't feel right. I go through a checklist when stuff like this happens, but I can't explain it. The whole day, from setup to the service to take down, just felt weird. It was strange.